Place born
Organisation / Person

Walker, James

1781 - 1862

Henson, Gravener

1785 - 1852

Brunel, Marc Isambard

1769 - 1849

Bakewell, Robert

1768 - 1843

Cooper, Astley Paston (first baronet)

1768 - 1841

Howard, Luke

1772 - 1864

Ewart, Peter

1767 - 1843

Havell, Robert (senior)

1769 - 1832

Rastrick, John Urpeth

1780 - 1856

Stovin, Frederick

1783 - 1865

Hargreaves, John

1780 - 1860

Dutrochet, Rene-Joachim-Henri

1776 - 1847

Dalrymple, Leighton

1785 - 1820

Hamilton, Robert

1778 - 1838

Stephenson, George

1781 - 1848

Hackworth, Jane

1785 - 1852

Buckland, William

1784 - 1856

Westall, William

1781 - 1850

Audubon, John James

1785 - 1851

Henslow, John Stevens

1786 - 1861

Newman, John Frederick

1783 - 1860

Clement, Joseph

1779 - 1844

Mewburn, Francis

1785 - 1867

Waterton, Charles

1782 - 1865

Trevithick, Richard

1771 - 1833

Hancock, Thomas

1786 - 1865

Dick, Thomas

1774 - 1857

Somerville, Mary Fairfax

1780 - 1872

Traill, Thomas Stewart

1781 - 1862

Gilbert, Davies

1767 - 1839

Spurzheim, Johann Gaspar

1776 - 1832

MacCulloch, John

1773 - 1835

Dessalines d' Orbigny, Charles-Marie

1770 - 1856

Brooke, Henry James

1771 - 1857

Temminck, Coenraad Jacob

1778 - 1858

Jardine, James

1776 - 1858

Schwilgue, Jean Baptiste

1776 - 1856

1779-1903, foundry; manufacturer of beam engines, Hayle, England

Harvey and Company Limited

1779 - 1903

1786-1853, first baronet, army officer, British; English

Gilbert, Sir Walter Raleigh

1786 - 1853

1770-1832, anatomist; surgeon, Italian

Uccelli, Filippo

1770 - 1832

1779-1835, scientific instrument maker, British; English

Dancer, Josiah

1779 - 1835

1777-1820, Princess of Lucca

Bonaparte, Elisa

1777 - 1820

1778-1856, surgeon, American

Warren, John Collins

1778 - 1856

1767-1828, physician, German

Meyer, Heinrich

1767 - 1828

1771-1815, Duke of Brunswick and Luneberg, German

Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick Wolfenbuttel

1771 - 1815

1772-1845, watchmaker; minature watchmaker; minature automata specialist, Geneva, Switzerland, Swiss

Meylan, Philippe-Samuel

1772 - 1845

1767- 1815, marshal; cavalry officer, French

Murat, Joachim Napoleon

1767 - 1815

1786-1837, telegraph pioneer; diplomat, Estonian

Schilling, Pavel

1786 - 1837

1799-1883, architect, English, British

Cubitt, Lewis

1709 - 1883

1786-1901, brand name used to 1990s, cigarette manufacturer; tobacco company, Bristol, England

W D and H O Wills Limited

1786 - 1901